Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Kissing Ass by Clyde D'Souza

Kissing Ass by Clyde D'Souza 

Some people can kiss ass naturally, some can’t do it to save their lives, and many just don’t know how! Kissing Ass: The Art of Office Politics is a no-bullshit, jargon-free, non-sloppy guide that breaks down typical workplace situations and offers you not textbook advice but real sucking-up solutions to them. From nervous first days to elated farewell mails, Kissing Ass gives you tips and tricks on how to act, react, or play dumb as per the scenario. Learn different types of ego massage techniques, what to say to the CEO in the loo, how to reply to work emails over weekends, and, yes, even how to deal with sex at work! So polish your corporate lips, pucker up, and get ready to kiss your way to success. Sales points • A tongue-in-cheek book on what people don’t tell you about office politics • One of a kind in the market • Fast-paced, humourous, and written in a casual tone • Uses Indian references as examples and diagrams to make it visually appealing and readerfriendly • Aimed at the BlackBerry-toting, instant-gratification-seeking Indian • Clyde D’Souza has written scripts for MTV and spoofs for JAM magazine

Monday, 20 August 2012

Revolution 2020 and 2-states - by Chetan Bhagat

Read revolution 2020 - chetan bhagat , very nicely written , Once start reading you dont even like to stop in between , too good , became fan of Chetan Bhagat , suggesting to all readers..

Read "2-states" again from the list of chetan bhagat , interesting love story and a msg driven book for all generations ...

"The Present" by Spencer Johnson.

Read "The Present" by Spencer Johnson. 

This book is a good reference for those who wants to enjoy present and future . 
Good thing about Spencer is he explains things with story which catch holds the reader till the end. 
He has nicely explained how to balance personal and professional life.. It's 100 odd pages book. 
Personally suggest this book to all the active readers and those who wants to develop reading as their hobby :)

" Screw it , lets do it" by Richard Branson

Read " Screw it , lets do it" by Richard Branson. 
Richard Branson is founder of Virgin Group. There are many more businesses on his name ... It's 100 page book but worth spending time.. After reading I feel if I can do 10% of what he has done , my life will be rocking.. He is a go-getter..

"THE SECRET" by rhondo rhyne.

Read " THE SECRET" by rhondo rhyne. 

Very powerful book , suggested all the readers to read it , "The Secret" reveals the most powerful law in the universe. 

e.g Everybody in this universe had dreams in life - some one want to be a millionaire , some want beautiful GF/Wife, some want BMW, some want to be social activist .. any dame dream can come true if you follow the rules define in this book . 

This books talks about law of attraction and the how universe reacts to your thoughts .. Good to have it in your pocket. Readers not only read it even try to follow . It works in my case.

You can even go to moon if you have a strong desire/thought.. Enjoy reading.. .

Thursday, 16 August 2012

SystemVerilog Language Guidelines

SystemVerilog Language Guidelines


1.1 Rule: Check that $cast() has succeeded
If you are going to use the result of the cast operation, then you should check the status returned by the $cast call and deal with it gracefully, otherwise the simulation may crash with a null pointer.
Note that it is not enough to check the result of the cast method, you should also check that the handle to which the cast is made is not null. A cast operation will succeed if the handle from which the cast is being done is null.
// How to check that a $cast has worked correctly
function my_object get_a_clone(uvm_object to_be_cloned);
  my_object t;
  if(!$cast(t, to_be_cloned.clone()) begin
    `uvm_error("get_a_clone", "$cast failed for to_be_cloned")
  if(t == null) begin
    `uvm_fatal("get_a_clone", "$cast operation resulted in a null handle, check to_be_cloned handle")
  return t;
endfunction: get_a_clone

1.2 Rule: Check that randomize() has succeeded
If no check is made the randomization may be failing, meaning that the stimulus generation is not working correctly.
// Using if() to check randomization result
if(!seq_item.randomize() with {address inside {[o:32'hF000_FC00]};}) begin
  `uvm_error("seq_name", "randomization failure, please check constraints")

1.3 Rule: Use if rather than assert to check the status of method calls
Assert results in the code check appearing in the coverage database, which is undesired. Incorrectly turning off the action blocks of assertions may also produce undesired results.

Constructs to be Avoided

The SystemVerilog language has been a collaborative effort with a long history of constructs borrowed from other languages. Some constructs have been improved upon with newer constructs, but the old constructs remain for backward compatibility and should be avoided. Other constructs were added before being proven out and in practice cause more problems than they solve.
1.4 Rule: Do not place any code in $unit, place it in a package
The compilation unit, $unit, is the scope outside of a design element (package, module, interface, program). There are a number of problems with timescales, visibility, and re-usability when you place code in $unit. Always place this code in a package.
1.5 Guideline: Do not use associative arrays with a wildcard index[*]
A wildcard index on an associative array is an un-sized integral index. SystemVerilog places severe restrictions on other constructs that cannot be used with associative arrays having a wildcard index. In most cases, an index type of [int] is sufficient. For example, a foreach loop requires a fixed type to declare its iterator variable.
string names[*]; // cannot be used with foreach, find_index, ...
string names[int];
foreach (names[i])
  $display("element %0d: %s",i,names[i]);

1.6 Guideline: Do not use #0 procedural delays
Using a #0 procedural delay, sometimes called a delta delay, is a sure sign that you have coded incorrectly. Adding a #0 just to get your code working usually avoids one race condition and creates another one later.Often, using a non-blocking assignment ( <= ) solves this class of problem.


Coding Patterns

Some pieces of code fall into well recognized patterns that are know to cause problems
1.7 Rule: Do not rely on static variable initialization order, initialize on first instance.
The ordering of static variable initialization is undefined. If one static variable initialization requires the non-default initialized value of another static variable, this is a race condition. This can be avoided by creating a static function that initializes the variable on the first reference, then returns the value of the static variable, instead of directly referencing the variable.
typedef class A;
typedef class B;
A a_top=A::get_a();
B b_top=B::get_b();
class A;
  static function A get_a();
    if (a_top == null) a_top =new();
    return a_h;
endclass : A
class B;
  A a_h;
  protected function new;
    a_h = get_a();
  static function B get_b();
    if (b_top == null) b_top =new();
    return b_top;
endclass : B



1.8 Guideline: Create covergroups within wrapper classes
Covergroups have to be constructed within the constructor of a class. In order to make the inclusion of a covergroup within a testbench conditional, it should be wrapped within a wrapper class.
1.9 Guideline: Covergroup sampling should be conditional
Build your covergroups so that their sample can be turned on or off. For example use the 'iff' clause of covergroups.
// Wrapped covergroup with sample control:
class cg_wrapper extends uvm_component;
logic[31:0] address;
bit coverage_enabled
covergroup detail_group;
  ADDRESS:  coverpoint addr iff(coverage_enabled) {
    bins low_range = {[0:32'h0000_FFFF]};
    bins med_range = {[32'h0001_0000:32'h0200_FFFF]};
    bins high_range = {[32'h0201_0000:32'h0220_FFFF]};
// ....
endgroup: detail_group
function new(string name = "cg_wrapper", uvm_component parent = null);
  super.new(name, parent);
  // Construct covergroup and enable sampling
  detail_group = new();
  coverage_enabled = 1; 
// Set coverage enable bit - allowing coverage to be enabled/disabled
function void set_coverage_enabled(bit enable);
  coverage_enabled = enable;
endfunction: set_coverage_enabled
// Get current state of coverage enabled bit
function bit get_coverage_enabled();
  return coverage_enabled;
endfunction: get_coverage_enabled
// Sample the coverage group:
function void sample(logic[31:0] new_address);
  address = new_address;
endfunction: sample
Coverpoint sampling may not be valid in certain situations, for instance during reset.
// Using iff to turn off unnecessary sampling:
// Only sample if reset is not active
coverpoint data iff(reset_n != 0) {
  // Only interested in high_end values if high pass is enabled:
  bins high_end = {[10000:20000]} iff(high_pass);
  bins low_end = {[1:300]};


Collecting Coverage

1.10 Guideline: Use the covergroup sample() method to collect coverage
Sample a covergroup by calling the sample routine, this allows precise control on when the sampling takes place.

1.11 Rule: Label coverpoints and crosses
Labelling coverpoints allows them to be referenced in crosses and easily identified in reports and viewers.
payload_size_cvpt: coverpoint ...
Labelling crosses allows them to be easily identified
payload_size_X_parity: cross payload_size_cvpt, parity;

1.12 Guideline: Name your bins
Name your bins, do not rely on auto-naming.
bin minimum_val = {min};

1.13 Guideline: Minimize the size of the sample
It is very easy to specify large numbers of bins in covergroups through autogeneration without realising it. You can minimise the impact of a covergroup on simulation performance by thinking carefully about the number and size of the bins required, and by reducing the cross bins to only those required.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

How to choose the proper bus between SPI, I2C, UART?

Advantages : single wire, easy interface to PCs,MCU UARTSs etc. range of standard physical interfaces (TTL, RS232, RS422, RS485) covers a big range of distance/speed capabilites with off-the-shelf hardware. 
Disadvantages : Needs reasonable clock accuracy both ends. Max data rate in practice about 1mbit/sec (typically limited by UART capabilities). 

Advantages: Potentially very fast (10-20mbits/sec), very simple interface, very easy to implement in hard logic,FPGA or software. 
Self-clocking so can wake an MCU on reception and have the data byte available once woken. 
Flexible data word sizes

Disadvantages : 
Multiple devices need multiple select lines.

Advantages : 
Only 2 wires to support multiple devices. Multimaster capability
Timing constraints of protocol reduce likelihood of false data (e.g. eeprom corruption) in noisy or powerup/down situations.  

Disadvantages : 
More complex protocol than SPI, harder to level-shift or optoisolate due to bidirectional lines. 
Speed up to 400kbit/sec (1mbit for a few devices), but in practice can be limited to lower rates by capacitance if tracks are long.